Tag: vampires

Cinema Smorgasbord – How Do You Do, Fellow Kids? – Hotel Transylvania (2012)

What better time to watch a computer animated feature about monsters than.. uh.. January? Well, we’re doing it anyway! On this episode of HOW DO YOU DO, FELLOW KIDS? we’re watching the Sandlerverse-adjacent animated comedy HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA and it’s.. actually not too bad. Featuring the vocal talents of Adam Sandler, Selena Gomez, Andy Samberg, Kevin James, and – of course – Steve Buscemi, it’s about a bunch of monsters in a hotel or something. I don’t know. Just listen to the thing. Thanks!

Cinema Smorgasbord – Cinema Fantastica – The Borrower (1991) & Children of the Night (1991)

http://media.blubrry.com/cinemasmorgasbord/s/www.cinemasmorgasbord.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/CinemaSmorgasbord-E38-CF.mp3 Download RSS: http://www.cinemasmorgasbord.com/feed/podcast/ iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/cinema-smorgasbord/id1495606055 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36GyQpY4P9HS87wmCKkGKY?si=wfj0g2auRlagZW2Aqx8ZJQ Come follow us on Twitter or Facebook!…