Greetings, Tomb Believers!

This week on the ALL-NEW, ALL-DIFFERENT TOMB OF IDEAS, we’re embarking on a multi-episode story arc! At long last (and apparently with much listener excitement, if our social media is to be believed) we are talking all about FRANKEN-CASTLE. That’s right, we’re talking about that time right in the midst of the Dark Reign era when The Punisher aka Frank Castle went and got himself killed, so the Legion of Monsters turned him into a patchwork monster. In this first installment, we are covering the first four issues of the story arc:

        • PUNISHER VOL 8 #11
        • PUNISHER VOL 8 #12
        • PUNISHER VOL 8 #13

Don’t forget, we love hearing from listeners! This story arc moved up the list specifically because due to interest from our followers. So if you have any requests, comments, questions, or other feedback you can reach us at [email protected]. We can also be found at our Facebook page, on Twitter @TombofIdeas, and now on Instagram @tombofideas!
