(tombofideas): Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSTIMEQUAKE of 12.8 Magnitude on the Simonwalt…

Episodes of the Tomb of Ideas Podcast (tombofideas): Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSTIMEQUAKE of 12.8 Magnitude on the Simonwalt…
This week we have three more issues of Marvel’s WHAT IF?, culminating in the first part of TIMEQUAKE!
Trey and James are starting off 2024 with a Grab Bag episode, featuring an assortment of issues from the first volume of WHAT IF?
Trey & James are celebrating the season with a holiday party, as guests old and new join them to discuss the 1993 Marvel Holiday Special! Stories discussed feature Spider-Man, Ghost Rider, Nick Fury, Hulk, and more!
This week’s episode is a brand-new Tomb of Ideas audio commentary for the 1998 action-horror classic Blade!
In this week’s episode Trey and James invite guest Andrew Leyland to select a trio of comics for a special grab bag episode of Tomb of Ideas, featuring Star Wars, Spider-Man, Man-Thing, and the Fantastic Four! (tombofideas): Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSHello there, darlings…errr, I mean, Hello there,…
To celebrate our 100th episode, we’re looking at Marvel and DC comics from the early 1970s set at the real-life Rutland Halloween Parade! (tombofideas): Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSWE’VE DONE IT, TOMB-BELIEVERS James and Trey…
In the penultimate episode of their INFERNO coverage, Trey & James are joined by Barry Reese to discuss X-Factor, Damage Control, Power Pack, and Cloak & Dagger!