In this very first episode, Melissa, Jake, and Annamarie take on three weird topics that range from medical anomalies to tears in reality to intense meditation practices.

Melissa gives us a run-down on the story of Tarrare, the hungriest man in history (who we also learn isn’t very nice to cats). Jake works through his cough and cold like a champ to bring us some wild information on Lam and the little grey men. And finally, Annamarie talks tulpas while Jake tries his hand at creating one himself.

If you have any weird stories of your own you would like us to read on the podcast, please send them along to!

Welcome all and thanks for joining us through this journey into the weird! If you like what you hear, please subscribe wherever you consume your sweet, sweet podcast content and, if you fancy, give us a nice, little rating on iTunes!

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