Tag: Comedy

Cinema Smorgasbord – How Do You Do, Fellow Kids? – Monsters, Inc. (2001)

On this episode of HOW DO YOU DO, FELLOW KIDS? we’re checking out the Pete Docter-directed Pixar classic MONSTERS, INC. starring (the voices of) John Goodman, Billy Crystal and – of course – Steve Buscemi. We talk about our complicated relationship with computer animated films, our struggles with Billy Crystal as a performer, we rank our Pixar favorites and SO MUCH MORE. We also check out the latest Hayden video (/w Feist and Steve Buscemi), and all the other recent Buscemi news. CHECK IT OUT, JERKS.

Cinema Smorgasbord – Praising Kane – Pandemonium (1982)

LISTEN UP, JERKS. On this episode of PRAISING KANE we’re bringing the funny with the 1982 horror spoof PANDEMONIUM from director Alfred Sole (ALICE SWEET ALICE). Starring Tom Smothers as the intrepid Mountie Cooper (accompanied by Paul Reubens as Johnson), the gag-filled comedy follows a group of students at a cheerleading camp being slaughtered by a mysterious killer, including Carol Kane as the CARRIE-like Candy. We also discuss the recent passing of Richard Belzer (and how Carol Kane connects to his most famous character), as well as all the most recent Carol Kane news. ENJOY!

Cinema Smorgasbord – How Do You Do, Fellow Kids? – Ghost World (2001)

The world’s most beloved Steve Buscemi-themed podcast returns with an episode all about Terry Zwigoff’s adaptation of Daniel Clowes’ GHOST WORLD, starring Thora Birch, Scarlett Johansson and – of course – Steve Buscemi! We talk about the difficulties of adapting (non-superhero) comics, how the film compares to the source, how our opinions on the film have changed since we first saw it and SO MUCH MORE. All that and the latest Steve Buscemi news. CHECK IT OUT.

Cinema Smorgasbord – We Do Our Own Stunts – Spiritual Kung Fu (1978)

On this episode of WE DO OUR OWN STUNTS, we continue our chronological look at the career of Jackie Chan and – surprise – Jackie is famous now! After the massive success of Snake in the Eagle’s Shadow and Drunken Master, Jackie returns to Lo Wei who decides to dust some unreleased Jackie features off the shelf and rush them into cinemas. The first is the supernatural kung fu comedy SPIRITUAL KUNG FU, which features five bright white “ghosts” in red fright wigs (who arrived on a meteor) teaching Jackie the five style fists, while a murder mystery plays out in the shaolin temple! Features Jackie shoving living animals down his pants and ghost busting (via urination). CHECK IT OUT!

Cinema Smorgasbord – We Do Our Own Stunts – Drunken Master (1978)

It took 12 episodes to get here, but after the box-office success of SNAKE IN THE EAGLE’S SHADOW, Jackie Chan suddenly finds himself a bankable martial arts star. So why not do it all again, only better? DRUNKEN MASTER reunites Jackie with basically everyone who worked on the previous film, including producer Ng See-yuen, director Yuen Woo-ping, and stars Hwang Jang-lee, Dean Shek and Simon Yuen, and the result isa global smash that launched Jackie’s career and set both a pattern for the next stage of his career, as well as provided material for dozens of rip-offs, tributes and sequels. Join us on the latest episode of WE DO OUR OWN STUNTS where we discuss Jackie’s recent birthday, the death of Jimmy Wang Yu, and talk all about 1978’s DRUNKEN MASTER. Check it out!