Tag: action

Cinema Smorgasbord – Wild in the Streets – Syndicate Sadists (1975)

On this episode of WILD IN THE STREETS, Tomas Milian is RAMBO in Umberto Lenzi’s spaghetti-western influenced SYNDICATE SADISTS from 1975! After Rambo’s friend is brutally murdered, he takes it upon himself to go up against two criminal gangs (one led by Joseph Cotton’s Paternò), while also rescuing a young boy who has been kidnapped. Does he manage to embarrass them all while everyone gazes on him in total awe? Yep! Check it out!

Cinema Smorgasbord – Eric Roberts is the Man – Royal Kill (2009)

Retired pro-wrestler Gail Kim, Pat Morita and Eric Roberts (and Eric Roberts’ hair!) star in the bizarre 2009 action fantasy ROYAL KILL, which features a totally bonkers twist and.. not a lot else! Alexander Wraith plays Adam Arthavan, a royal guard sent to protect a young girl – unknowingly the daughter of his king – from Gail Kim’s silent assassin. It’s kind of like The Terminator, except infinitely worse! Talking with us about Royal Kill (aka Ninja’s Creed) is restaurateur, chef and Nova Scotian Allan McPherson, who also gets to hear all the latest Eric Roberts news and tweets. Lucky! Join us, jerks!

Cinema Smorgasbord – Whatever Happened to Vic Diaz? – Raw Force (1981)

On this high kicking episode of WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? we’re setting off with a nudity-filled sexploitation comedy mixed with a martial arts action film featuring a dash of the living dead, cannibalism, Nazis, explosions and a heck of a lot more with the wild 1981 mashup RAW FORCE from director Edward D. Murphy! Starring Cameron Mitchell, Geoffrey Binney, Hope Holiday, FIRECRACKER’s Jillian Kesner and – of course – Vic Diaz, this one is goofy as hell, and occasionally lives up to its extra lurid poster art. We also discuss cult film revivals, what it means for a film to be “trash”, the definition of exploitation and all sorts of other heady topics. CHECK IT OUT!

Cinema Smorgasbord – Wild in the Streets – Live Like a Cop, Die Like a Man (1976)

On this episode of WILD IN THE STREETS we’re going long with the late Ruggero Deodato’s one and only eurocrime film, the absolutely bizarre buddy-cop action classic LIVE LIKE A COP, DIE LIKE A MAN. Featuring plenty of homoeroticism, quarry target practice, straight up murder and EXPLOSIONS, it takes the template set by earlier European action films and goes completely overboard, with two lead characters who flaunt conventions (and legality) while mowing down anyone who gets in their way – sometimes before they even commit a crime. CHECK IT OUT!

Cinema Smorgasbord – We Do Our Own Stunts – Dragon Fist (1979)

After a lengthy, contentious working relationship, Jackie Chan’s time with Lo Wei finally comes to an end (sort of!) with 1979’s DRAGON FIST, a film that had been sitting on the shelf since well before Jackie’s SNAKE IN THE EAGLE’S SHADOW kung-fu breakthrough. The film features a very stoic Jackie attempting to get revenge for his master’s death, which all sounds awfully standard, but the plot gets a lot more twisty as it goes, including Jackie reluctantly working for a group of bad guys before going BER-ZERK in the final ten minutes. We also chat about some of Jackie’s complications with trying to get out of his contract, and his upcoming excursion to America. CHECK IT OUT!