Greetings be upon you faithful Cine-Punkers, welcome to the
Our new website was put together by the gentleman and scholar Douglas Tilley (@Doug_Tilley ) who you may know from either of his podcasts, No-Budget Nightmares or Eric Roberts is the FUCKING Man. He has done all of this hard work simply because he rules, so that is some sick shit to me. Great man, for reals-e. Our old website was designed by good friend of the Cast Caleb Shay, and it definitely served its purpose as we were getting it together on those early shows. Our hope with this new site is both to create something which is just visually appealing enough to fool people into thinking we know what we are doing, but is also laid back enough to encourage them to come back. Doug has really made this happen, and we are very much in his debt. I would also HIGHLY recommend his podcasts, they are both just so much fun to check out. I guess they are also informative if you care about things like that, which some of you might, because you are freaks. FREAKS
There are quite a few reasons for the new site, and some of those have something to do with YOUR experience here at Cinepunx,com:
First, and in my mind foremost, the website now hosts all of our shows! No more clicking over to Podomatic, you can listen and download directly from here. This means a few things (like less MONEY) but we hope that for you, the faithful listener, it means making the listening experience a lot easier. The iTunes should function the same, and if there are any issues listening please let us know!
The second big change is the one you are looking at right now: with our new design we can host writing on the site. That means not only that Josh and I will be regularly posting pieces with more depth and research than we are able to go into on the show (probably neither of those things but definitely more words) we can also host the writing of friends. With regular features from other folks we think have something to say about film and music, our dream is to have Cinepunx grow not only as a forum but as community. We imagine this site, Cinepunx, looking into this strange cross section we have found of people who care about punk broadly construed and about film. I think, within this space, are not only some common themes and common ground, but some real productive elements and ideas. In fact, I would go so far as to say that the convergence of outsider film and punk aesthetics creates it’s own discernible culture and aesthetic. It is my hope as co-creator of this podcast and editor of this website that something fun and interesting can really grow here with your participation and the input of some incredibly interesting friends.
So welcome effectively to Cinepunx Phase 2: Electric Bugaloo
Thanks for your time and support!