Trey: Hey James, wake up!
James: Waffles!
Trey: That’s right, it’s Cine-Ween here at – wait, there are waffles?
James: No, I just had another dream about waffles.
Trey: You mean about delicious, mapley goodness?
James: No, that they had grown arms and legs and were chasing me with a butcher knife. Anyway, what’s up?
Trey: It’s Halloween!!! And… well… according to this letter from Gravely, we have to contribute something to this year’s Cine-Ween celebration.
James: Wait, isn’t Cine-Ween ending, like, tomorrow? What could we possibly throw together in less than 24 hours?!
Trey: Well, you know, we do like horror hosts.
James: Are we talking comic book horror hosts, or the ones on TV?
Trey: Why not both???
James: What are we talking here? Kidnappings? Ghastly exhumations?
Trey: Uh… I was just thinking we’d do lists of our favorites?
James: *hides shovel and chloroform* That works too!
Trey: Horror hosting in comics and on TV are pretty different things, so we’re going to keep them separate. First, we’ll run down our favorite hosts from horror anthology comics and such – those creepy gals and ghouls who bookend each story and hold the anthology together. Then, we’ll count down our top 10 TV horror hosts – those men and women who best answered the call to the noble profession of introducing horror movies and breaking into them in order to talk about the movie, tell jokes, and perform skits.
Honorable Mention: Aleister Arcane (IDW Comics)
ALEISTER ARCANE is a comic about a horror host, rather than a comic narrated by one, and so the title character can’t really count as a canonical comic book horror host.
Trey: Aleister Arcane, eponymous star of the three-issue comic by Steve Niles and Breehn Burns, is just a little too meta to formally count on this list.
James: But we can’t leave him out entirely. What’s not to love about a disgraced horror host taking bloody vengeance on the close-minded town folks who forced his show off the air?
5. Uatu the Watcher (Marvel Comics)
This alien observer first appeared in FANTASTIC FOUR #13 (April 1963). After some guest shots in superhero books, he got his own sci-fi anthology called “Tales of the Watcher” that co-featured with Iron Man stories in TALES OF SUSPENSE from 49-58 before being replaced by Captain America stories in #59. It’s after that, however, that we get to the scary stuff. Beginning in February 1977, Uatu served as host for the multiversal anthology title WHAT IF…?, which told often unsettling and tragic tales of “what might have been” in the Marvel Universe, such as “What if Spider-Man had kept his Black Costume?” or “What if Wolverine had become Lord of the Vampires?”. The Watcher served as the all-seeing emcee for these tales, reminding us of what did happen in the main 616 continuity in the beginning of the story. Then, after we have seen the harrowing events of alternate timelines, basically telling us “Now, isn’t it better that it happened the way it did rather than this?”. Now, with the success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, WHAT IF…? is making the jump to the small screen with an animated series on Disney+, featuring Jeffrey Wright as Uatu.
Trey: Now, you might be saying “Wait a minute – those aren’t horror stories, they’re superhero books!” But all you have to do is read a few issues of WHAT IF…?. What you’ll find are some of the darkest, most depressing twists on superhero stories imaginable. They owe as much to THE TWILIGHT ZONE or THE OUTER LIMITS as they do to the canonical versions of SPIDER-MAN or FANTASTIC FOUR.
James: It really is amusing to me how many times the world ends in these stories because Spider-Man saves Gwen Stacy, or something.
Trey: Right? Like, somehow Gwen Stacy doesn’t get fridged, and suddenly half the world is consumed by hellfire and destruction! That’s the ol’ Parker luck, I suppose.
James: There is a story from the 90s that I particularly like in which Uatu has to assemble a team of heroes from previous stories in the book (including Vampire Lord Logan!) in order to defeat an event called TIME QUAKE. So much for an oath of non-interference, right?
Trey: There’s a joke from recent comics that Blue Marvel’s nickname for Uatu is “The Do-er,” and that when Uatu finds this out he just smiles.
James: Does he still host the more recent WHAT IF…? one-shots that Marvel has put out? I admit, I haven’t read many of them.
Trey: I don’t think so, especially not since the ORIGINAL SIN event where Uatu died and was replaced by Nick Fury Sr.
James: Depressing.
4. Elvira
While Elvira is best known as a TV horror host, in 1986 she made the jump from television to comics when she was trapped for 11 issues (and one special) in DC Comics’ HOUSE OF MYSTERY. With her arrival, the tone of the book became lighter, and the stories featured were more in line with the kind of B-grade spook stories she featured on TV. Over the course of the series, the House of Mystery tasked her with finding Cain, the previous caretaker of the house. She’s less a host and more a captive, but her running commentary before and after the stories displays her trademark sense of humor. Elvira would go on to appear in many more comics at Marvel, Eclipse, and Dynamite – however, in those comics she was featured as protagonist, rather than host.
Trey: It’s kind of weird how little agency Elvira has in these DC stories. Like, yeah she’s commenting on the stories like a host, but she’s almost never in control of the situation. But isn’t that Dave Stevens cover gorgeous?
James: Dave Stevens’s artwork is always gorgeous. This series also has the distinction of giving us a bonkers Christmas special where she goes through her own version of a “Christmas Carol” with Cain & Abel and Destiny (later of SANDMAN comics) playing the ghosts!
3. Cain & Abel (DC Comics)
These two biblical brothers were, respectively, the first murderer and the first murder victim… or are they merely mystic archetypes who REPRESENT that original killing? Cain first appeared in HOUSE OF MYSTERY #175 in 1968, and immediately established himself as a more aggressive horror host. His humor has a snarky edge, and he has no problem directly taunting the reader. That aggression also manifests in his compulsion to murder his brother Abel over and over again. Abel first appeared in DC SPECIAL #4 (1969) before taking over as host and caretaker of the HOUSE OF SECRETS in issue #81 of that title. Unlike his brother, he is nervous and cowardly. Instead of directly addressing the reader, Abel has a habit of talking to himself, or to his “imaginary” friend Goldie. He’s apparently immortal, as he always recovers from being murdered by his brother.
Trey: I have to admit, I know these guys WAY better as the comic relief residents of the Dreaming in Neil Gaiman’s SANDMAN comics than as horror hosts.
James: That was my first introduction to them as well, but I sought out some of these stories a while back and they’re actually pretty good. Did you know Cain had crossovers with both Superman and Batman!?
Trey: That is WILD. And, of course, even their homes had later lives in superhero books as well – in the 2000s the House of Secrets became the headquarters for the Secret Six, and then during the New 52 era the House of Mystery served as a base for Justice League Dark.
2. Uncle Creepy (Warren Publishing)
Uncle Creepy debuted in CREEPY #1 in 1964. A black and white magazine anthology, the title was a throwback to the content and style of the old EC Comics anthologies. Thus, Uncle Creepy himself was also a bit of a 1950s throwback, with an appearance and tone that were very similar to the Crypt Keeper. At a time when horror comics were limited by the Comics Code Authority, CREEPY was able to bypass those rules by publishing in magazine format. Unfortunately, the magazine was marred by periods where it published lots of reprints rather than new stories. However, Uncle Creepy himself would remain as host throughout the book’s run (unlike Warren’s other iconic horror host, Vampirella, who transitioned from host to protagonist).
Trey: CREEPY is a book I came to pretty late, but it’s a lot of fun! It fills in the gap between the end of the EC line of horror comics and Marvel’s boom of horror mags in the 1970s.
James: I was actually shocked to find a copy of CREEPY on the magazine stand at Barnes & Noble not too long ago.
Trey: Yeah! After some legal wrangling over the rights, it relaunched in 2009 through Dark Horse. Also, there have been some really great archival editions both in hardcover and digital.
1. The Crypt Keeper (EC Comics)
The Crypt Keeper is the gold standard for comic book horror hosts. Now, he isn’t quite the same skeletal corpse with a motormouth you might remember from HBO. But that same sense of humor, puns and all, is present even in his earliest appearances. Crypt Keeper first appeared in CRIME PATROL #15 (1949), where “Crypt of Terror” began as just a segment of the comic. Later, of course, he would get his own title in TALES FROM THE CRYPT – although he sometimes shared hosting duties with the Vault Keeper (from VAULT OF HORROR) and the Old Witch (from THE HAUNT OF FEAR), with all three hosts crossing over into each other’s books. Occasionally, Crypt Keeper even took part in the stories directly, such as “Lower Berth” in TALES FROM THE CRYPT #33 (1952), which recounts the Crypt Keeper’s bizarre and surprising origin! Later, but still long before the HBO series, the Crypt Keeper was played by Ralph Richardson in the Amicus Studios horror anthology film TALES FROM THE CRYPT (dir. Freddie Francis, 1972).
James: The stories that the Crypt Keeper presented may seem tame to the Saw-exposed masses of today, but you have to remember, in the 1950s there were congressional hearings about how horrific these comics were!
Trey: This was the epitome of “seduction of the innocent!” And besides that, these comics really do hold up – partly because they drew inspiration from the best in horror at the time: Poe, Lovecraft, Bradbury, etc.
James: And the Crypt Keeper was the glue that held it all together.
Trey: Exactly! His running commentary throughout the issue is funny in a way that takes the edge off of the horror without ever undermining the creepiness of the story. He set a high bar for hosting horror comics.
Honorable Mention: Count Gore de Vol (CREATURE FEATURE)
Count Gore is an incredibly long-running and prolific horror host. He started on TV in Washington, D.C. hosting CREATURE FEATURE from 1973-1987. Leaning into his Beltway location, he often departed from the usual staples of horror host humor to satirize politics – particularly during Watergate and Iran-Contra. He was also the first American horror host to show NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD (dir. George A. Romero, 1968) unedited.
James: Noteworthy for being the first Horror Host to take his show to the Internet.
Trey: Count Gore is still around, too! He does live shows and conventions to this day as well as his regular show online!
Honorable Mention: Joel Robinson/Mike Nelson/Jonah Heston (MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000)
MST3K’s origins on KTMA are proof enough that it was, at least in its original conception, a version of the classic horror host formula. Its innovation was to actually place the host in the screening to provide a running commentary throughout, rather than just breaking into the movie. That original local television run was from 1988-1989, and it led almost immediately to the show getting picked up by the Comedy Channel (later Comedy Central). From there to the Sci-Fi Channel, the show ran for nine seasons (and a movie), and after a too-long hiatus was picked up for revival by Netflix in 2017. While the show hasn’t changed much in format, the style of the host has varied over the years. Joel’s style leaned more into prop comedy and a very dry, laconic wit. Mike’s persona was goofier, and his jokes sometimes had a bit more bite. The latest host, Jonah, brings more of a west coast comedy vibe.
Trey: It’s funny – I don’t typically think of the MST3K guys as “horror hosts,” I guess because they also did sci-fi, fantasy, Westerns, etc.
James: Hence why their honorable mention and not on the actual list. They’re amazing and we love them, but there is an argument to be made that while they may have sprung from the seed of horror hosting they’ve grown far far beyond that.
Trey: For sure. Also, I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to share a pic from that time I met Joel and Jonah.
10. Vampira (THE VAMPIRA SHOW)
The Charles Addams-inspired Vampira character was created by Maila Nurmi in 1954 for the eponymous VAMPIRA SHOW on KABC Los Angeles. Although it only ran for one year, it was influential in the early days of horror hosting, as her format of breaking into the film with jokes and puns would be imitated later by many others. Also, despite the limited reach of that local television broadcast, she developed a cult following over the years – in no small part due to her appearance a few years later in Ed Wood’s PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE (1959). Later, in the 1980s she sued Cassandra Peterson over the then-new Elvira character, although the judge ruled in favor of Peterson. Unfortunately, THE VAMPIRA SHOW aired live, with no kinescope recordings, so all that really remains of the show are some brief segments shot for promotional purposes.
Trey: THE VAMPIRA SHOW really does feel like a prototype for the horror shows that would come later. It’s hard to say for sure from the limited footage, but on the surface the comparisons to Elvira make a lot of sense. That said, the Vampira banter is much dryer, for want of a better word, than the bubbly “Valley Girl” persona that defines the latter character.
James: And, sadly, it is the lack of available footage and the relative shortness of her time on the air that prevents Vampira from being higher on this list.
9. “Grandpa” Al Lewis (SUPER SCARY SATURDAY)
Yes, Grandpa Munster himself was a TV horror host. From 1987-88 he hosted the SUPER SCARY SATURDAY show on TBS. His show was very much an old-school production – low budget sets and props along with plenty of jokes and puns. It’s nothing that hadn’t been done before (and, frankly, better), but Lewis’s Grandpa persona was just so charming that you can’t help but enjoy it.
Trey: I have VERY vague memories of SUPER SCARY SATURDAY, which might actually be from VHS recordings since Lewis’ hosting duties on that show ended when I was three. I know Lewis is just doing his Grandpa Munster schtick, but I love the no-budget style of these segments, and those late ’80s SuperStation bumpers strike a very specific nostalgic nerve for me.
James: Yeah, I only know this one from clips on YouTube. He’s a bit in the tradition of Commander USA… over on the USA network.
Trey: Oh, yeah! Commander USA is another one that I only have vague impressions of. And, of course, without Al Lewis on SUPER SCARY SATURDAY we wouldn’t have Robert Prosky’s “Grandpa Fred” character in one of the best sequels of all time, GREMLINS 2: THE NEW BATCH!
James: Great. Now I want to go watch that movie again.
8. Ghoulardi (SHOCK THEATER)
Ernie Anderson created Ghoulardi the Cool Ghoul in 1963 to host SHOCK THEATER live on TV-8 in Cleveland, Ohio. Unlike the many horror hosts who played stock horror characters, Ghoulardi was a mad scientist with a hipster/beatnik twist. He was a sensation in the area, becoming famous for catchphrases like “Stay sick,” “Turn Blue,” and “Make with the boom-boom!” The latter of these came from Ghoulardi’s practice of setting off fireworks in the studio – some sent in by fans. One such “gift” was so powerful it broke glass in the control booth! After retiring the role in 1966, Anderson reprised Ghoulardi only once more, on a 1991 episode of JOE BOB’S DRIVE-IN THEATER. Unfortunately, because SHOCK THEATER was broadcast live, finding substantial clips (let alone full episodes) of his original performances isn’t easy.
Trey: From the clips that are available, it’s pretty clear that “Cool Ghoul” wasn’t just a clever nickname. From the jazz sax music playing under his segments to his fast-talking banter, Ghoulardi definitely stands out from the competition.
James: I’d actually argue that when Ghoulardi was on the air, THERE WAS NO COMPETITION. Dude was incredibly influential, helping to inspire hosts like the original Svengoolie, The Ghoul, and even Cleveland’s current horror hosts “The Mummy and the Monkey”. His following was so strong that family members on my wife’s side of the family who lived in that area will start quoting him even now when I mention him.
Mr. Lobo is a legit 21st century horror host, carrying on the noble profession into the new millennium. His CINEMA INSOMNIA began in Sacramento, CA in 2001 and has since been syndicated to stations across the country – in addition he has a streaming channel, OSI 74. In a departure from the usual makeup and gothic attire look favored by many horror hosts, Lobo typically appears in a 70s-style business suit, with only his Van Dyke beard offering a hint of the macabre. His style and segment format are somewhat similar to those of Svengoolie, with plenty of recurring characters (mostly in-joke references to various sci-fi and horror movies) as well as fake ads and footage from conventions/festivals.
Trey: I first discovered Mr. Lobo on the Internet, sometime after college, and it’s impressive just how well he synthesizes bits and pieces from his predecessors’ various characters. He can move seamlessly from dry, sardonic wit to goofy prop comedy. Plus he looks a bit like a combination of 70s/80s host Bob Wilkins and Ghoulardi.
James: It wouldn’t surprise me if that was intentional. Also, along with Elvira, he’s one of the two hosts on our lists that has appeared on Scooby Doo. Mr. Lobo was the visual basis for a villian from SCOOBY DOO: MYSTERY INCORPORATED (arguably the best of the Scooby Doo TV outings).
Bob Wilkins had an incredibly long tenure as a horror host, starting in 1964 on SEVEN ARTS THEATER (later called BOB WILKINS PRESENTS or THE BOB WILKINS SHOW) before joining a different network to host CREATURE FEATURES from 1971 to 1979 (when he was replaced by John Stanley). His persona was more “square” than most horror hosts, appearing in everyday clothes, and he coined the phrase “Watch Horror Films! Keep America Strong!” which adorned the set of his show.
Trey: As fun as the hosts with the kooky makeup and costumes are, I love the cognitive dissonance of a normal-looking Midwestern guy in a rocking chair surrounded by skulls and candles.
James: Y’know, it’s really interesting how much others in our list take inspiration from Bob Wilkins, like we said earlier with Mr. Lobo. I’d actually argue that Joe Bob Briggs takes some inspiration from Bob Wilkins’ style too.
Trey: I can see that – Joe Bob in his lawn chair chugging a Lone Star is sort of the redneck version of Wilkins in his rocking chair with a cigar.
Just seeing the Cryptkeeper immediately brings to mind that iconic cackling laugh. Based on the comic book character discussed earlier, this Cryptkeeper is an undead skeleton man voiced by John Kassir, who gave the character a high-pitched laugh while carrying on his classic, twisted sense of humor. Unlike the other hosts listed, Cryptkeeper didn’t show old movies, but rather hosted an anthology series along the lines of THE TWILIGHT ZONE or Boris Karloff’s THRILLER. He hosted TALES FROM THE CRYPT from 1989-1996 as well as two feature film spinoffs: DEMON KNIGHT (dir. Ernest Dickerson, 1995) and BORDELLO OF BLOOD (dir. Gilbert Adler, 1996), before transcending his format to also star in a Saturday morning cartoon (TALES FROM THE CRYPTKEEPER), and a game show (SECRETS OF THE CRYPTKEEPER’S HAUNTED HOUSE).
Trey: Talk about ICONIC. Ostensibly this is the Crypt Keeper from EC Comics, but filtered through a few decades of changes in the horror genre – and seemingly influenced by the design of “the Creep” on the original poster for CREEPSHOW (1982).
James: I actually like the idea that he IS the Crypt Keeper from the old EC Comics, just with 30 years of decay added on.
Trey: Ooh yeah, I like that idea a lot. Cryptkeeper is sort of hard to compare to the other hosts, since his role is more like a sarcastically punny Rod Serling than anything else. But it’s hard not to love his design paired with John Kassir’s performance.
James: Also, how wild is it that a character from a gory, hard-R late-night HBO series became popular enough to get his own Saturday morning cartoon?
Trey: AND Legends of the Hidden Temple-style game show host! INSANITY.
James: Wait? What!? *goes to YouTube* Dear god. Well have fun writing the rest of this article, because I’m going to watch binge every episode of this.
Trey: And this is why we have the shock collar.
James: What? Gaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!
4. Svengoolie (SVENGOOLIE)
The original Svengoolie was Jerry G. Bishop, who hosted SCREAMING YELLOW THEATER WITH HOST SVENGOOLIE from 1970-1973. That version of the character was more of an undead hippie type, not unlike Ghoulardi’s earlier “hip” horror host. The more famous, longer tenured Sven is Rich Koz, who began as a writer for Bishop before taking over in 1979. Initially he branded himself “Son of Svengoolie” until 1995 when he finally dropped the “Son of…” bit. Svengoolie’s show is filled with recurring characters and gags, including Kerwyn the rubber chicken, accompanist Doug Graves, and disembodied skull Zallman T. Tombstone. Sven’s longevity has led to increased reach, as his show has gone from local affiliate to being nationally available on MeTV.
Trey: Sven is great. I don’t get to watch him every Saturday, but I love knowing that he’s out there preserving the traditions of TV horror hosts. Also, did you know he’s teaming up with the Justice League? In partnership with MeTV, Sven is featured in backup stories across various DC books
James: So does that mean we should have included him in our comic horror hosts list as well?
Trey: I wouldn’t go that far. (For one thing, the appearances only just started this week, and I haven’t had a chance to read them yet!)
Elvira is the creation of Cassandra Peterson, who has played the role continuously since 1981. Her first hosting gig, MOVIE MACABRE, ran from 1981-1986, and was revived in 2010-2011. In 2014, the limited series 13 NIGHTS OF ELVIRA was essentially another revival, using the same format. As mentioned in her comics ranking, Elvira very quickly transcended her horror host status to appear in comics, beer commercials, talk shows, and eventually two feature films: ELVIRA, MISTRESS OF THE DARK (dir. James Signorelli, 1988) and ELVIRA’S HAUNTED HILLS (dir. Sam Irvin, 2001). Aesthetically she reflects the same Addams Family inspiration as Vampira, but with a tongue in cheek persona that blends 80s punk style with valley girl. There was one attempt to crown a new Elvira (following a reality show contest), but fans were far from receptive and so Peterson has continued making appearances as the one true Mistress of the Dark.
Trey: The original MOVIE MACABRE was just before my time, so I was way more aware of Elvira as sort of a general pop culture character than as a horror host.
James: I must have first become aware of her through her appearances in advertisement too, because she has always just been a part of the pop culture. I think the first full thing I saw her in was her first movie, ELVIRA, MISTRESS OF THE DARK. Then, when my wife and I were first dating, I was living with a friend of hers right before she and I moved in together and this friend had a couple of the MIDNIGHT MACABRE episodes on tape, so I watched those.
Trey: Looking back, it’s pretty impressive that she can carry so much of the show without much in the way of props, supporting characters, or other gimmicks.
James: True. In so many of her segments, it’s pretty much all Elvira on the sofa cracking jokes and commenting on the movie.
Originally known as “Roland” in Philadelphia, John Zacherle switched to a variation of his own last name when he moved to a New York TV station. Dressed in a black undertaker’s coat, Zacherley spoke in a creepy, deliberate voice reminiscent of Boris Karloff, often addressing “My Dear” Isobel in her coffin. Dubbed the “Cool Ghoul” by Dick Clark (a nickname he shared with Ghoulardi), Zacherley was a horror hosting institution for years, even taking his show direct-to-video with a series called HORRIBLE HORROR in 1986. He continued appearing on-air all the way up to 2008 when, at age 90, he contributed to a special broadcast of CHILLER THEATER featuring TARANTULA! (dir. William Alland, 1955).
Trey: “Hahaha, oh wow.” Even with the sound effects and the schtick, Zacherley always struck me as one of the most dignified horror hosts. He’s got this poise to his character and delivery that’s just incomparable.
James: Even though Vampira came first, I’d actually argue it was Zacherley that laid the template for what makes a Horror Host, with the skits, putting himself in the movie. Heck, Svengoolie still does some of those gags today!
Trey: Definitely. And on top of that, in terms of sheer longevity Zacherley stayed in the game for much longer than a lot of the other early horror hosts.
What can we say about Joe Bob Briggs that hasn’t already been said? From DRIVE-IN THEATER on The Movie Channel to MONSTERVISION on TNT to Shudder’s THE LAST DRIVE-IN, he has been tearing out the heart of Saturday night for over thirty years. In the process, he’s converted us all into mutants who live by the Drive-In Oath. Joe Bob’s folksy persona is funny, but he’s rarely laughing at the movies directly – unless they fail to rack up enough of those ever-important Drive-In Totals. His segments are equal parts comedy, social commentary, and production history, and he seems to genuinely take seriously both the profession of horror hosting and the importance of preserving the communal cinematic experience. As broadcast TV gave way to cable which in turn is giving way to streaming, one thing is for certain – the Drive-In Never Dies.
James: I see what you did there.
Trey: I don’t know what you’re talking about. All I did was pick a segment from a seasonally appropriate movie.
James: Y’know Joe Bob is particularly special to us. Having the distinction of being the only ranked host on this list that you and I have both actually met! Unless you have a saucy Elvira story you haven’t shared… or even an Uatu one?
Trey: Oh, Uatu and I go WAAAY back. But that’s a story for another time. As for Joe Bob, yeah this guy is special. I watched MONSTERVISION pre-Joe Bob (and am admittedly a bit nostalgic for the Penn & Teller era), but Briggs stands out from the other horror hosts. He doesn’t just do “bits.” He’s equal parts film historian, satirist, and monologuist, and I’m grateful not just for his show, but for the community that has grown around it over the years.
And so, Tomb Believers, we hope you enjoyed this first foray into perturbing prose from our hosts. Be sure to subscribe and listen to the fortnightly TOMB OF IDEAS podcast, where James and Trey read and discuss the history of Marvel horror comics issue by issue. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to prepare the dungeon…and maybe some hot pokers. To think, these two nincompoops didn’t even deign to consider my superior hosting of Marvel’s TOWER OF SHADOWS and CHAMBER OF DARKNESS worth mentioning! I had six appearances for Satan’s sake …AND A CORNER BOX!
Well…until next time, Happy Halloween!!!