Welcome to The Flight Stuff: a podcast about Canada’s premiere superhero team!

In 1983, comic book writer and artist John Byrne lifted his original team, Alpha Flight, from the pages of Uncanny X-Men and dropped them into their own, eponymous series. Over the course of 11 years, the Canadian super team — Guardian, Sasquatch, Puck, Snowbird, Shaman, Aurora, Northstar, and others along the way — battled foes large and small, with adventures steeped in social commentary and uniquely Canadian issues and themes.

Join comic book enthusiasts Liam, Adrianna and Doug as they make their way through the original series issue by issue, character by character, Byrnism by Byrnism, with occasional detours through Canadian cultural history. So sit back, listen up and get right with the Flight!


Welcome, Alphans, to another installment of The Flight Stuff!

We kick off Episode 15 with some Alpha Flight news! Marvel released a seven page preview of Alpha Flight: True North #1, as well as a variant cover by Ramon Perez, so of course we had to share our thoughts on both. From there, we jump right into issue #29 of the main Alpha Flight title, marking our return to the book after a brief two-episode detour through Secret Wars II and some Alpha-adjacent material. Issue #29 concludes Alpha Flight’s intense run-in with the Hulk, marking the start of the Mantlo/Mignola run, and we have a lot of thoughts on this transition and how it translates to the page.

Then it’s onto issue #30, which pits Alpha Flight against a figure from Madison Jeffries’ past. We touch on Mignola’s art style and the body horror and darker themes carried over from Byrne’s run, as well as Heather’s self-doubt spiral and the team’s re-established relationship with the Canadian government. PLUS: Thicc Daddy Hulk.

As always, thanks for listening!


If you have any questions, comments or feedback, please drop us a line at flightstuffpodcast@gmail.com.

Follow us on Twitter: @flightstuffpod




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