Tag: Podcast

Cinema Smorgasbord – Forgotten Gems? – What Happened Was… (1994)

On Forgotten Gems we look at festival favorites that have been cast aside or fallen out of favor. On this episode we’re looking at the 1994 Sundance sensation WHAT HAPPENED WAS…, which won the Grand Jury Prize and the Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award at the 1994 Sundance Film Festival. Directed, written and starring Tom Noonan it examines one painfully awkward date between two co-workers (the other played by an amazing Karen Sillas) and the confrontations and revelations that occur throughout their evening. Spoiler alert: our two hosts have VERY differing opinions on the qualities of this movie! Check it out.

Cinema Smorgasbord – Eric Roberts is the Man – Just What the Doctor Ordered (2021) (/w Mike Paulshock)

It’s not only the return of ERIC ROBERTS IS THE (bad word) MAN, it’s also the return of the STALKED BY MY DOCTOR SERIES with 2021’s JUST WHAT THE DOCTOR ORDERED. A return to the heady days of the original STALKED films, this time we have Dr. Albert Beck hiding out in an abandoned house.. but not for long! We also talk at length about a newly launched Eric Roberts-related podcast that WE ARE ANGRY ABOUT, the latest Eric Roberts tweets, and SO MUCH NEWS. We’re joined on our journey by musician and podcaster Mike Paulshock, who discusses his love for the STALKED series and its lead actor: ERIC ROBERTS. Time to start listening!

Cinema Smorgasbord – Cinema Fantastica – Coherence (2013) & Why Don’t You Play In Hell (2013)

On this rip-roaring episode of Cinema Fantastica we’re traveling to the 2014 (premiere) edition of the Chattanooga Film Festival in Chattanooga, Tennessee to pit two festival favs  against each other: James Ward Byrkit’s low budget sci-fi mindbender COHERENCE vs Sion Sono’s epic tribute to filmmaking (and “mankind’s greatest achievement”) WHY DON’T YOU PLAY IN HELL? Which movie reigns supreme? Listen and find out!