You can listen to the entire JodoWOWsky archive right here: https://www.cinemasmorgasbord.com/the-podcasts/jodowowsky/
JodoWOWsky returns with a hodge-podge of Alejandro Jodorowsky projects, including some acting roles from the early 2000s, a television adaptation of one his Métal hurlant comics, and a somewhat bizarre credit for the 2003 French computer animated feature KAENA: THE PROPHECY! We investigate what all of this could mean, while digging deep on all the latest Jodorowsky news. CHECK IT OUT!
How long would Jodorowsky’s ‘Dune’ Movie have been? from DuneNewsNet.com
‘El Topo’ And ‘The Holy Mountain’: The Soundtracks To Jodorowsky’s Masterpieces from udiscovermusic.com
Follow Pascale Montandon-Jodorowsky on Instagram
Follow Alejandro Jodorowsky on Instagram and Twitter
Check out Musikanten (2005)
Julia Marchese is a filmmaker, actor, writer, film programmer and podcaster. Julia’s first film was Out of Print, a documentary about the importance of revival cinema and 35mm to culture. The film has played all over the world in film archives, art house cinemas and universities. The 35mm print of the film is now housed at The Academy Film Archives. Her next project is a short film adaptation of Stephen King’s short story “I Know What You Need”. She is the co-host of Horror Movie Survival Guide, a weekly podcast that takes a deep dive into a different horror film each week, focusing on how to become the final girl. You can follow her on her social media platforms
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