Why does Don Coscarelli’s Phantasm, a film that by many accounts is low-budget schlock, resonate so deeply with me that it made me consider how I approach my love of the genre?

The door that creaks; the echoing footfall. A chiming grandfather clock in the hall. It’s…

Fear. It’s what drives the horror genre. It’s what vicious killers feed off of in…

Film festivals be crazy – have you been to one? The first day you’re all…

What scares you? What’s the most frightened you’ve ever been? Maybe it’s a movie that not everyone would consider a horror movie.

October is my favorite month of the year. I know this is the case for…

Halloween is my favorite time of year. I love to see the spooky decorations and…

The hauntingly beautiful and mesmerizing 1960 film Eyes Without a Face, directed by Georges Franju,…

What can the fate of Stanley Uris tell us about the gulf between Stephen King’s IT and Andy Muschetti’s two IT films and book to film adaptations in general.