Tag: Podcast

Cinema Smorgasbord – How Do You Do, Fellow Kids? – Ghost World (2001)

The world’s most beloved Steve Buscemi-themed podcast returns with an episode all about Terry Zwigoff’s adaptation of Daniel Clowes’ GHOST WORLD, starring Thora Birch, Scarlett Johansson and – of course – Steve Buscemi! We talk about the difficulties of adapting (non-superhero) comics, how the film compares to the source, how our opinions on the film have changed since we first saw it and SO MUCH MORE. All that and the latest Steve Buscemi news. CHECK IT OUT.

Cinema Smorgasbord – Whatever Happened to Vic Diaz? – The Boys in Company C (1978)

On this episode of WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? we’re heading into the jungle with Filipino thespian Vic Diaz in the 1978 Vietnam war drama THE BOYS IN COMPANY C, starring Stan Shaw, Andrew Stevens, and Craig Wasson. Similar in structure to Full Metal Jacker (and featuring R. Lee Ermey in a very similar role), it’s a sometimes odd, sometimes hard-hitting look at a controversial war that also includes a whole lot of soccer for some reason. It’s pretty good, and very different than the usual fair we cover on this podcast. CHECK IT OUT!

Cinema Smorgasbord – Wild in the Streets – Madness (1980)

On a brand new episode of WILD IN THE STREETS, we’re going One Step Beyond with Warhol superstar Joe Dallesandro in the sleaze-filled home invasion thriller MADNESS from director Fernando Di Leo. Featuring plenty of uncomfortable nudity and most of the soundtrack to Caliber 9, MADNESS has hunky Joe terrorizing a married couple (along with the wife’s seductress sister) while trying to uncover some stolen riches stashed in their fireplace. All that, a giant poster of John Travolta that looms menacingly over the proceedings. Is it any good? Listen and find out!

Cinema Smorgasbord – You Don’t Know Dick – Miami Vice (Season 2, Episode 19) The Fix (1986)

In 1986, Dick Miller directed an episode of the second season of the massively popular TV series MIAMI VICE called “The Fix” and on this episode of YOU DON’T KNOW DICK, we’re going to watch it! Thankfully we have author and Miami Vice aficionado Sarah Kurchak joining us to walk us through the world of Crockett & Tubbs, the corrupt world in which they live, and this episode, which features guest stars Harvey Fierstein, Michael Richards, and NBA hall-of-famer Bill Russell! CHECK IT OUT!

Cinema Smorgasbord – Praising Kane – Taxi (Season 2, Episode 17) & The Greatest Man in the World (1981)

We’re DOUBLING UP on this episode of Praising Kane, which features a discussion on Carol Kane’s first episode of Taxi (and some very controversial statements from Liam on 80s sitcoms), but also Ralph Rosenblum’s 1981 TV adaptation of James Thurber’s satirical short story THE GREATEST MAN IN THE WORLD, featuring an introduction by Henry Fonda! Not only that, but we also fit in a discussion on the recent announcement of Carol Kane joining the cast of STAR TREK: STRANGE NEW WORLDS! It’s almost TOO MUCH, yet here it is. Enjoy.

Cinema Smorgasbord – Halloween Horror Special – Glorious (2022) & Speak No Evil (2022)

We’re BREAKING FORMAT with another super SPOOOoooOKY Cinema Smorgasbord Halloween Special! This time around we’re discussing our favorite Halloween costumes and giving some brief thoughts on some recent buzzy horror films, before jumping into spoiler-free discussions of Rebekah McKendry’s GLORIOUS and Christian Tafdrup’s SPEAK NO EVIL. It gets HEATED! Who cares about parties and trick-or-treating? It’s time to LISTEN!