Michael and Nick are joined by Austin Proctor of Frightmares to discuss Paul Verhoeven’s sci-fi masterpiece, ROBOCOP!

Michael and Nick are joined by Austin Proctor of Frightmares to discuss Paul Verhoeven’s sci-fi masterpiece, ROBOCOP!
On this episode of WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? we’re discussing the obscure – and unreleased in the USA – action film SPYDER from 1988 starring kickboxing champion Blake Bahner as BRAD SPYDER, a cop on the edge who travels to Hawaii to find out what happened to his beloved (and very dead) partner. If that sounds at all familiar, it’s because Roger Corman bought the rights to the film and had it re-edited and released as BLACKBELT II! It’s an action-packed (and very short) COBRA rip-off. LET’S TALK ABOUT IT.
On this episode of Cinema Fantastica we’re traveling to the 2017 Beyond Film Festival in Los Angeles, California and pitting the 2016 Ugandan action film BAD BLACK against the 2017 German-Austrian slasher COLD HELL. From the creators of the worldwide cult sensation WHO KILLED CAPTAIN ALEX?, BAD BLACK has a similar mix of microbudget action, comedy and drama, accompanied by the ever-present commentary from a video joker, while COLD HELL pits a Turkish immigrant (an incredible Violetta Schurawlow) working as a taxi driver against a religious fanatic targeting women in Austria. Which film will reign supreme? Listen and find out!
On this episode of WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? we’re checking out the 1977 sleazy action film TOO HOT TO HANDLE which features softcore queen Cheri Caffaro as hitwoman Samatha Fox who travels to – surprise! – the Phillipines to take out four criminals while simultaneously falling for the cop (Aharon Ipalé) who is hot on her trail. We’re also talking about EROTICA, 90s softcore porn and – of course – all things VIC DIAZ! Check it out!
We’re getting Wild in the Streets with Franco Nero in Enzo G. Castellari’s 1975 Eurocrime revenge thriller STREET LAW! Starring Nero as an engineer who finds his safety (and masculinity) threatened by a post office robbery and decides to take the (street) law into his own hands. Badly! More nuanced than one might expect, and featuring a rocking soundtrack, there’s still plenty of action and – of course – explicit violence. Check it out!
On this episode of HOW DO YOU DO, FELLOW KIDS? we’re looking at all the latest and greatest Steve Buscemi news, including his recent modeling work, and his appearance in a BIG LEBOWSKi-themed commercial during the BIG game this year. Then we jump into a discussion Robert Rodriguez’s action epic DESPERADO, featuring Antonio Banderas and Salma Hayek. We discuss our complicated feelings on Rodriguez as a director, the acting career of Quentin Tarantino, the John Woo-inspired action scenes and SO MUCH MORE. So check it out!
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