Hello and welcome to The Carnage Report, where we bring you the latest on all things horror-related, keeping you up to date with news you can use. Hosted by Julie Holland and Nick Spacek, this part of the Cinepunx family looks to fill a hole in your podcast feed by looking at new releases in the theaters, on-demand, and streaming, and featuring an in-depth discussion of a new release each episode.

On this episode of the podcast, Julie and Nick make their picks for what they can’t wait to see at this year’s Panic Fest, which takes place in Kansas City from Thursday, March 27, to Sunday, April 6. They also suggest a few other festivals in which you might be interested, such as Boston Underground Film Festival, Overlook Film Fest, and Chattanooga Film Festival. Plus, the pair discuss trailers galore for 825 Forest Road, Voices Carry, To Die Alone, and more (all of which you can check out below). Also, Julie and Nick share their stories of tornadoes as spring gets underway in the Midwest.

Music by Steve Spacek, who you can find on Instagram @starlingwoodworks and on Bandcamp.

You can follow The Carnage Report on Instagram @ReportCarnage, as well as on Twitter @ReportCarnage. Shoot us an email to carnagereportpod at gmail dot com to share your thoughts on the show, as well.

Check out all the trailers discussed in this episode in the playlist below.