Tag: Thriller

Cinema Smorgasbord – Further Reeding – The Brood (1979)

CANADA! DIVORCE! Are there any two sweeter words in the English language? I can think of one: CRONENBERG! On this episode of FURTHER REEDING we’re getting personal with the 1979 David Cronenberg-directed horror classic THE BROOD starring Art Hindle, Samantha Eggar and – of course – OLIVER REED! It’s a film full of complexity, autobiographical elements, (possible) misogyny and killer mutant kids so you know it’s right up our alley. Listen and hear some THOUGHTS!

Cinema Smorgasbord – Wild in the Streets – The Cynic, The Rat and The Fist (1977)

On this episode of WILD IN THE STREETS, Maurizio Merli is (former) Inspector Leonardo Tanzi, a retired cop constantly disciplined for his unusual (brutal) methods, which in this case involves faking his own death so he can take down the psychopathic Luigi ‘The Chinaman’ Maietto (Tomas Milian) and master criminal Frank Di Maggio (John Saxon) in Umberto Lenzi’s THE CYNIC, THE RAT AND THE FIST. Full of two-fisted action, and a “laser” wall you have to see to believe, there’s plenty to like – and be confused by – here, but is it any good? We talk about the good, the bad and the ugly (and try to decide exactly which character is meant to be the cynic/rat/fist) and will let you know. Enjoy!

Cinema Smorgasbord – Praising Kane – Jumpin Jack Flash (1986)

It’s the first episode of 2024 and PRAISING KANE is packed with wild Carol Kane content, starting with the hour long episode of Shelley Duvall’s TALL TALES & LEGENDS adapting the famous poem “Casey at the Bat”.. sort of! With Elliott Gould, Howard Cosell, Bob Uecker, Bill Macy and CAROL KANE! It’s plenty odd. Then we look at an episode of the 80s comedy crime series CRAZY LIKE A FOX /w Jack Warden and John Rubinstein, featuring Carol Kane guesting as a beleaguered secretary. Then it’s time for the main event, the Penny Marshall directed comedy-thriller JUMPIN JACK FLASH starring Whoopi Goldberg and a slew of famous faces in supporting roles- including Carol Kane! It’s a Liam O’Donnell childhood favorite, but does it hold up? Let’s find out!

Cinema Smorgasbord – Cinema Smorgasbord Sells Out – The Shadow Strays (2024)

On this bloodthirsty episode of CINEMA SMORGASBORD SELLS OUT we’re sitting down with Timo Tjahjanto’s epic, gore-filled action film THE SHADOW STRAYS, currently streaming on Netflix! Starring actress/model Aurora Ribero as “13”, a 17-year-old assassin who gets suspended after a botched mission and befriends 11-year-old Monji. But when Monji gets kidnapped 13 gets some very, very, very blood revenge on his kidnappers while getting on the wrong side of her assassin group. UH OH! We also chat about Indonesian action as a whole because WHY NOT? Check it out!

Cinema Smorgasbord – Cinema Smorgasbord Sells Out – Rebel Ridge (2024)

Jeremy Saulnier (MURDER PARTY, BLUE RUIN, GREEN ROOM) returns after a lengthy hiatus with the long-in-development Netflix original revenge movie REBEL RIDGE! Starring Aaron Pierre as a marine facing off against the corrupt law enforcement of a small Louisiana town, it’s not quite the FIRST BLOOD-riff that the initial trailers suggested, but its mix of crooked cops, a righteous cause, racial politics and a dynamite performance in the lead creates something very special. On this episode of CINEMA SMORGASBORD SELLS OUT we restrain ourselves from delving into spoilers while discussing the film, responding to some of the critiques we’ve heard since its release, and so much more. Check it out!

Cinema Smorgasbord – George Kennedy is my Copilot – The Gambler (2014)

On this episode of GEORGE KENNEDY IS MY COPILOT we’re checking out a rare mid-80s George Kennedy commercial for York Heating and Cooling as well as Rupert Wyatt’s 2014 remake of the James Toback-written THE GAMBLER, which features the final role of George Kennedy! We discuss Mark Wahlberg’s attractiveness, the joys(?) of gambling, whether we would rather have a stereo system or black & white television and SO MUCH MORE! You gotta check it out, you just gotta!

Cinema Smorgasbord – Eric Roberts is the Man – Blackbird (2018/2022)

After an interminable wait, “Lord of the Dance” Michael Flatley’s passion/vanity spy thriller BLACKBIRD is FINALLY HERE, and it’s really something! On this episode of ERITFM we’re joined by writer/podcaster Matti Price to discuss the ins and outs of Flatley’s folly, including a villainous turn from Eric Roberts is an unrepentant weapons dealer who is – shock – also engaged to Flatley’s old flame. Yep, it’s a remake of CASABLANCA, except terrible! All this and all the latest Eric Roberts news and tweets. Can you RISK missing it?

Cinema Smorgasbord – Praising Kane – When a Stranger Calls (1979)

“Have you checked on the children?”

On this episode of PRAISING KANE we continue our chronological look at the career of the wonderful Carol Kane with the 1979 thriller WHEN A STRANGER CALLS. Best known for its incredibly tense first twenty minutes, the film takes some unexpected – and odd – twists and turns, with a private investigator played by Charles Durning on the heels of a serial killer. We also look at all the latest Carol Kane news, and have a promising update about our next episode! Check it out.