ERIC ROBERTS IS THE MAN returns and this episode is packed with NEWS, SURPRISES and 2024’s AMITYVILLE BIGFOOT, which features a Sasquatch squirting toxic milk out of its nipples (among other things). We’re helped along this rocky road by The Nu Metal Agenda Podcast’s Cranfather, who assists us in breaking down all the latest Eric Roberts news and social media posts and immediately regrets his decision to choose this film for us to watch. We forgive him! A fun time was had by all, so let’s listen!
On this episode of Cinema Fantastica we’re traveling to the 2017 Beyond Film Festival in Los Angeles, California and pitting the 2016 Ugandan action film BAD BLACK against the 2017 German-Austrian slasher COLD HELL. From the creators of the worldwide cult sensation WHO KILLED CAPTAIN ALEX?, BAD BLACK has a similar mix of microbudget action, comedy and drama, accompanied by the ever-present commentary from a video joker, while COLD HELL pits a Turkish immigrant (an incredible Violetta Schurawlow) working as a taxi driver against a religious fanatic targeting women in Austria. Which film will reign supreme? Listen and find out!
On this rip-roaring episode of Cinema Fantastica we’re traveling to the 2014 (premiere) edition of the Chattanooga Film Festival in Chattanooga, Tennessee to pit two festival favs against each other: James Ward Byrkit’s low budget sci-fi mindbender COHERENCE vs Sion Sono’s epic tribute to filmmaking (and “mankind’s greatest achievement”) WHY DON’T YOU PLAY IN HELL? Which movie reigns supreme? Listen and find out!