In 1986, Dick Miller directed an episode of the second season of the massively popular TV series MIAMI VICE called “The Fix” and on this episode of YOU DON’T KNOW DICK, we’re going to watch it! Thankfully we have author and Miami Vice aficionado Sarah Kurchak joining us to walk us through the world of Crockett & Tubbs, the corrupt world in which they live, and this episode, which features guest stars Harvey Fierstein, Michael Richards, and NBA hall-of-famer Bill Russell! CHECK IT OUT!
On HOW DO YOU DO, FELLOW KIDS? we trace the life and career of actor Steve Buscemi, and on THIS episode we’re talking about Bob Dylan’s new book (with an audiobook featuring Steve Buscemi), the history of his collaborations with Adam Sandler, STEVE BUSCEMI SUPERMAN and – of course – the SNL-flavored rock comedy AIRHEADS from 1994 starring Brendan Fraser, Adam Sandler, Chris Farley, Michael Mckean, Michael Richards and Steve Buscemi! What did we think? LISTEN AND FIND OUT!