Tag: death

Cinema Smorgasbord – George Kennedy is My Copilot – Uninvited (1988)

On this long-awaited return of GEORGE KENNEDY IS MY CO-PILOT the gang are joining Alex Cord, Clu Gulager and – of course – George Kennedy on a beautiful sea voyage only partially spoiled by the presence of a genetically modified cat that spits up a weird gremlin thing that is killing everyone. Uh oh! There’s murder, mystery, insanity-due-to-hunger, ankle-biting, finger munching and a bevy of horny teens because, heck, why not? All this and a look at George’s time as a pitchman for Schaefer Beer! JOIN US!

Cinema Smorgasbord – Further Reeding – Women in Love (1969)

You can’t have an Oliver Reed-themed podcast without eventually dipping into the works of the legendary Ken Russell, and we stick our toes in for the first time with his 1969 melodramatic adaptation of D. H. Lawrence’s beloved – and controversial – 1920 novel, Women in Love. Starring Reed alongside Alan Bates, Glenda Jackson and Jennie Linden, the film examines love, sex and death in all manner of permutations, and manages to fit in some notorious nude man-on-man grappling just for fun. We go deep on the film’s explicit queerness, the difficulty of working with temperamental actors (and directors) and so much more. ENJOY!

Cinema Smorgasbord – Wild in the Streets – The Suspicious Death of a Minor (1975)

Claudio Cassinelli plays a man on the edge in Sergio Martino’s unique eurocrime oddity THE SUSPICIOUS DEATH OF A MINOR which mixes comedic elements, the elaborate (and stylish) murder sequences from the popular giallo films of the time – including a knock-off Goblin-style score almost as good as the real thing – and the usual Poliziotteschi trappings of the era to create something a bit scattershot, but totally unique. Filled with odd flourishes and bizarre choices, it’s equally confusing and enthralling – just like our hosts! Check it out!


If you’re a reader already lucky enough to be familiar with Bob Clark’s 1974 horror classic DEATHDREAM (aka DEAD OF NIGHT), you may be wondering why it’s even appearing on a column of undervalued or undercelebrated films, and it’s true that there’s been a critical re-evaluation of the film that has taken hold over the past decade. But, frankly, I still think there’s work to be done, even within the catalogue of the venerable Bob Clark, where it deserves to sit among his very best: including A CHRISTMAS STORY, BLACK CHRISTMAS and (former most profitable Canadian film of all time) PORKY’S.

Cinema Smorgasbord – Cinema Fantastica – Watchers (1988) & Leviathan (1989)

On this episode of Cinema Fantastica we travel all the way to Molins de Rei, near Barcelona, Spain to attend the 1990 edition of the Molins Horror Film Festival. Or, more accurately, we’re attending the Dotze hores de Cine de Terror de Molins de Rei, a ten hour marathon of recent horror movies that was initially established way back in 1973! The 1990 edition featured a slew of interesting horror films, and our hosts have chosen two to battle against each other: the super-intelligent dog chased by a sasquatch-monkey thing Canadian horror film WATCHERS from 1988 /w Corey Haim and Michael Ironside, and the star-studded underwater mutant monster film LEVIATHAN from 1989 /w Peter Weller, Ernie Hudson, Daniel Stern and more. WHICH FILM REIGNS SUPREME? Listen and find out!

Cinema Smorgasbord – Cinema Fantastica – Big Bad Wolves (2013) & Almost Human (2013)

On this episode of CINEMA FANTASTICA were traveling to the 2014 edition of the Panic Film Festival in Kansas City, Missouri! While early in the festival’s life, this year was packed with genre films and our hosts have chosen two to BATTLE TO THE DEATH. First up is the darkly comedic Israeli thriller BIG BAD WOLVES, and then we go deep on Joe Begos’ directorial debut, the John Carpenter-influenced sci-fi horror ALMOST HUMAN. WHO REIGNS SUPREME? Listen and find out!

Cinema Smorgasbord – We Do Our Own Stunts – The Fearless Hyena (1979)

On this episode of WE DO OUR OWN STUNTS Jackie Chan’s relationship with Lo Wei comes to an end.. sort of.. with Jackie’s directorial debut THE FEARLESS HYENA! Filled with fights (choreographed by Jackie), and featuring perhaps his best performance of the era, it’s a film that owes a lot to his recent successes (with SNAKE IN THE EAGLE’S SHADOW and DRUNKEN MASTER) but also shows his growing confidence and range as a martial artist and creative force. We trace the film’s history, how it affected Jackie’s relationship with Lo Wei, and go through what we’ll be covering in the first few months of 2023. CHECK IT OUT!

Cinema Smorgasbord – Wild in the Streets – Madness (1980)

On a brand new episode of WILD IN THE STREETS, we’re going One Step Beyond with Warhol superstar Joe Dallesandro in the sleaze-filled home invasion thriller MADNESS from director Fernando Di Leo. Featuring plenty of uncomfortable nudity and most of the soundtrack to Caliber 9, MADNESS has hunky Joe terrorizing a married couple (along with the wife’s seductress sister) while trying to uncover some stolen riches stashed in their fireplace. All that, a giant poster of John Travolta that looms menacingly over the proceedings. Is it any good? Listen and find out!

Cinema Smorgasbord – Cinema Fantastica – Coherence (2013) & Why Don’t You Play In Hell (2013)

On this rip-roaring episode of Cinema Fantastica we’re traveling to the 2014 (premiere) edition of the Chattanooga Film Festival in Chattanooga, Tennessee to pit two festival favs  against each other: James Ward Byrkit’s low budget sci-fi mindbender COHERENCE vs Sion Sono’s epic tribute to filmmaking (and “mankind’s greatest achievement”) WHY DON’T YOU PLAY IN HELL? Which movie reigns supreme? Listen and find out!