Tag: Carol Kane

Cinema Smorgasbord – Praising Kane – The Games of Countess Dolingen (1981)

We continue our chronological look at the career of Carol Kane on PRAISING KANE with the surreal 1981 French drama THE GAMES OF COUNTESS DOLINGEN, partially based on the works of Unica Zürn (with a bit of Bram Stoker thrown in for good measure). A complex, twisting and often quite shocking film, it puzzled and intrigued our hosts who came away from it with two very different perspectives, and sparked a conversation about how much knowledge (or research) should be expected from an audience before watching a film. It’s more fun that that sounds! CHECK IT OUT!

Cinema Smorgasbord – Praising Kane – La Sabina (1979)

Welcome to our least listened to episode of PRAISING KANE ever! On this episode, our chronological look at the career of the wonderful Carol Kane continues with 1979’s LA SABINA, a José Luis Borau film that is only partially available in English.. but we watched it anyway! It’s a drama filled with infidelity, regret, and a mysterious dragon lady that threatens to devour us all. FUN! But that’s not all! We decided to BEEF things up by also watching OUR FATHER’S HOUSES, a filmed version of Eve Merriam’s play adapted from actual letters by women in the 19th century. I know you’re quaking with anticipation, so it’s time to listen right… now!

Cinema Smorgasbord – Praising Kane – When a Stranger Calls (1979)

“Have you checked on the children?”

On this episode of PRAISING KANE we continue our chronological look at the career of the wonderful Carol Kane with the 1979 thriller WHEN A STRANGER CALLS. Best known for its incredibly tense first twenty minutes, the film takes some unexpected – and odd – twists and turns, with a private investigator played by Charles Durning on the heels of a serial killer. We also look at all the latest Carol Kane news, and have a promising update about our next episode! Check it out.

Cinema Smorgasbord – Praising Kane – Harry and Walter Go To New York

We continue our chronological look at the career of Carol Kane with the notorious 1976 flop HARRY AND WALTER GO TO NEW YORK! Despite a packed cast that includes Elliott Gould, James Caan, Diane Keaton and Michael Caine the film was a box office and critical bust. But does the vaudeville-tinged safecracking caper have anything to recommend it? Let’s find out!

Cinema Smorgasbord – Praising Kane – Dog Day Afternoon (1975)

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Cinema Smorgasbord – Praising Kane – Hester Street (1975)

http://media.blubrry.com/cinemasmorgasbord/s/www.cinemasmorgasbord.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/CinemaSmorgasbord-E37-PK.mp3 Download RSS: http://www.cinemasmorgasbord.com/feed/podcast/ iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/cinema-smorgasbord/id1495606055 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36GyQpY4P9HS87wmCKkGKY?si=wfj0g2auRlagZW2Aqx8ZJQ Come follow us on Twitter or Facebook!…