In a world that seems to be inching closer and closer to the brink of…

In a world that seems to be inching closer and closer to the brink of…
Taking on the role of emotional custodian in the wake of tragedy is never an…
The need for redemption, the desire to right a wrong, can be a powerful…
There’s an old Twilight Zone episode, “A Nice Place To Visit”, in which a gangster…
The idea of the Final Girl defiantly fighting back against the villain in horror…
Religious horror and folk horror, much like flies and vampires, go together like bullets and…
Grief and the adjustment to life without a loved one is a horror in and…
Hollywood not having any new ideas is a common refrain in the circles of popular…
If there are two concepts in the realm of horror filmmaking that might feel a…
I called 1-900-555-FREAKO the other night and went on the craziest 82 minute ride of…