
A Cinepunx podcast

Cinema Smorgasbord – Praising Kane – Jumpin Jack Flash (1986)

It’s the first episode of 2024 and PRAISING KANE is packed with wild Carol Kane content, starting with the hour long episode of Shelley Duvall’s TALL TALES & LEGENDS adapting the famous poem “Casey at the Bat”.. sort of! With Elliott Gould, Howard Cosell, Bob Uecker, Bill Macy and CAROL KANE! It’s plenty odd. Then we look at an episode of the 80s comedy crime series CRAZY LIKE A FOX /w Jack Warden and John Rubinstein, featuring Carol Kane guesting as a beleaguered secretary. Then it’s time for the main event, the Penny Marshall directed comedy-thriller JUMPIN JACK FLASH starring Whoopi Goldberg and a slew of famous faces in supporting roles- including Carol Kane! It’s a Liam O’Donnell childhood favorite, but does it hold up? Let’s find out!

Cinema Smorgasbord – You Don’t Know Dick – Rock ‘n’ Roll High School (1979) (/w Oscar Goff)

Happy (almost) new year! We’re ending 2024 with an all-timer episode of YOU DON’T KNOW DICK (the world’s finest Dick Miller podcast) featuring guest Oscar Goff joining us to not only chat about a Season 6 episode of WHO’S THE BOSS (featuring Dick Miller as a suspicious hotel manager), but also a lengthy discussion on Alan Arkush’s beloved 1979 comedy ROCK ‘N’ ROLL HIGH SCHOOL featuring P.J. Soles, The Ramones, Paul Bartel & Mary Woronov and – of course – Dick Miller! Learn about PUNK MUSIC from the experts! Enjoy and see you on the other side.

The Carnage Report Episode 70: Curtains for Christmas

Merry Christmas and happy holidays! On this episode of the podcast, Julie and Nick take a look at the Christmas rom-com slasher Curtains for Christmas, directed by Steve Rudzinski, out now on VOD. They also suggest a few other holiday movies. Plus, the pair discuss trailers galore for 28 Years Later, Death of a Unicorn, First Word on Horror, and more, while digging into all of the casting news for Scream 7. Also, Julie and Nick discuss their favorite holiday traditions and have director Robbie Davidson on to discuss his debut feature, Dick Dynamite 1944.

Cinema Smorgasbord – The Cinema Smorgasbord Holiday Special – Switch (2023) & R.M.N. (2022)

It’s the Cinema Smorgasbord HOLIDAY SPECIAL and as usual we’re heading (virtually) to the Weihnachtsfilmfestival in Berlin, Germany to check out TWO films that played at their 2023 edition. We start with the sweet Korean fantasy comedy SWITCH from 2023, about a superstar actor who learns a few lessons in love and humility after having his life switched with that of his lowly assistant. Then we finish off with Cristian Mungiu’s devastating Romanian drama R.M.N., about the xenophobic fallout when some Sri Lankan workers are hired at a Transylvanian bread company. It’s a very special episode so why not send the kids to bed and listen?