
A Cinepunx podcast

Cinema Smorgasbord – Cinema Smorgasbord Sells Out – Barbie (2023)

On this INAUGURAL episode of CINEMA SMORGASBORD SELLS OUT we’re getting mainstream as HELL as we dig into the most zeitgeisty film of 2023, Greta Gerwig’s colorful box office smash BARBIE! No more obscure Filipino exploitation movies or Jodorowsky rarities, we’re talking about something everyone has seen for once and – damn it – we’re gonna enjoy it. We touch on our personal history with Barbie dolls (and Barbie media), whether Barbie works as a children’s film, how we get enjoyment out of films that anger the “right” people and SO MUCH MORE. Listen, friends!

The Carnage Report Episode 47: Night Swim

On this episode of the podcast, Julie and Nick talk their first film of the new year, Bryce McGuire’s haunted swimming pool movie Night Swim, in theaters now. Plus, the pair recommend you go watch some other movies about hauntings, talk the return of Danny Boyle and Alex Garland to the world of 28 Days Later, wonder whether David Bruckner can make a better remake of The Blob than Chuck Russell and discuss trailers galore for Dario Argento Panico, The First Omen, Departing Seniors, and more. Plus, Julie and Nick explain how they make it through the worst parts of winter.

Cinema Smorgasbord – Further Reeding – The System (1964)

New year, new episode of FURTHER REEDING, a podcast all about the life and career of actor Oliver Reed! On this episode we’re joining Reed and all his seaside buddies as they take in (and take out) the tourist trade in 1964’s THE SYSTEM (also known by the confusingly titled THE GIRL-GETTERS in the US). Directed by regular Reed collaborator (and notorious scumbag) Michael Winner, it’s a fascinatingly layered drama with a star making performance from Reed in the lead. BUT IS IT ANY GOOD? Listen and find out!