Religious horror and folk horror, much like flies and vampires, go together like bullets and…

Religious horror and folk horror, much like flies and vampires, go together like bullets and…
Grief and the adjustment to life without a loved one is a horror in and…
Hollywood not having any new ideas is a common refrain in the circles of popular…
If there are two concepts in the realm of horror filmmaking that might feel a…
The concept of the “dark web” has become a wellspring for horror films in the…
The term “cringe” gets thrown a lot these days, more as an adjective than a…
Family is a sordid affair, arguably the most sordid affair. Claude Schmitz’s neo noir mystery…
Trauma, emotional or otherwise, is a much-plumbed source of horror in the genre. Nicholas Gyeney…
A classic theme in science fiction is how to deal with aliens finally arriving and…
Few subgenres in horror have been, how do I say this, beaten to death the…